Office Policies and Confidentiality:

Appointments are time slots that are reserved just for you, therefore if you cancel with less than 24 hour notice or you fail to show up for your appointment you will be expected to pay the full session amount. Consistent failure in canceling your appointments or showing up late for your appointments may result in being terminated from treatment.
Payments are due at the time of your session.
Please visit the page titled FEES to learn about how confidentiality can be affected if you choose to submit receipts to your PPO.
Confidentiality is maintained and highly protected, this includes making certain that NO client files are left laying in the office in view to others, files are kept under locked file and behind two locked doors, computer documentation is encrypted and safely erased from the computer using secure eraser software. Documentation is not stored online to protect against online hacking. Confidentiality begins the moment you contact the provider to inquire about services.
There are certain times in which confidentiality must be broken by law these include:
By law any mental health provider must report any threat made to harm yourself, i.e. you tell the provider you have plans to commit suicide. The provider has the right to break confidentiality if suicide is suspected due to statements or behavior of client. By law any mental health provider must report any threat made to harm another person, i.e. you tell the provider you have plans to commit homicide. The provider has the right to break confidentiality if homicide is suspected due to statements or behavior of client OR if a family member of the client makes the provider aware of the client's plans to commit harm to others.
By law any mental health provider is required by law to report any stated or suspected child abuse, this includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, mental and emotional abuse and neglect- neglect can be lack of meeting a child's educational needs, health care needs or nutritional needs.
By law any mental health provider is required by law to report any stated or suspected elderly abuse, this includes abuse, sexual abuse, mental and emotional abuse and neglect- neglect can be lack of meeting a child's educational needs, health care needs or nutritional needs.
In the case of legal proceedings a mental health provider can be subpoenaed by court to testify in certain client matters. A mental health provider may appeal the process due to privilege however in some cases the mental health provider may be required by law to testify about certain matters.
©Melissa Lopez
All content found on this website is protected by © copyright 2010- 2017 | All Rights Reserved| Melissa Lopez, LCSW. Information found on this website is not intended to be used as psychological treatment. Should you be experiencing a psychological emergency please go to your nearest hospital emergency room, call 911 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), a free, 24-hour hotline. This site may also contain content from third party sources and/or links to content on other sites, Melissa Lopez, LCSW is not responsible for such content. Melissa Lopez is a Pasadena Psychotherapist who provides grief counseling techniques, marriage counseling, relationship therapy and works with adult individuals and couples covering Pasadena, Los Angeles, Glendale, South Pasadena, Eagle Rock, San Marino, Altadena and surrounding communities.