A licensed mental health therapist with an anti oppression lens providing telehealth counseling services in California. Please bare in mind, services are offered for adults only. I am trained to work on a diversity of issues, here are some of the areas that I can help you with:
BIPOC: As a BIPOC/Latinx person, I know of the importance of working with a fellow person of color in a therapeutic setting. BIPOC experience oppression on a daily basis which can affect a person of color's daily functioning, stress and overall sense of well-being. The impact of racism and oppression have a direct impact on the mental health of Black, Indigenous and People of Color. Working with another person of color can provide a space to feel safe, have a sense of mutual understanding and not have the need to explain the impact of racism, systemic oppression and racialized microagressions. I work with an intersectional framework that includes critical race theory. Read more at COUNSELING FOR PEOPLE OF COLOR.
QUEER/LGBTQIA: I work to help individuals facing homophobia, transphobia and other facets of prejudice and discrimination that impact your self esteem and ideas of self as an QTPoC/LGBTQIA individual. There are unique dynamics that can arise within relationships when having to cope with negative messages and policies that affect day to day living and self acceptance. As a QTPoC & LGBTQIA affirming therapist, it is important to work with a therapist that has a deep understanding of the community even if not struggling with issues of self acceptance. I provide a space that challenges heteronormative dynamics by cultivating a space that explores and validates the intersectionalities that encompass the Queer community. Read more at QUEER/LGBTQIA COUNSELING.
GRIEF AND LOSS, INCLUDING UNEXPECTED LOSS & PET LOSS: We'll work together to cope with the death of a parent, child, sibling, spouse/life partner, friend or pet. This can be an especially difficult time, whether the death was caused by illness, suicide, homicide or an accident. The grief experienced can be overwhelming making it difficult for you to manage day to day activities. I offer compassionate grief counseling that can help you find the support you need. Read more at GRIEF AND LOSS COUNSELING.
TRAUMA: If you have experienced trauma in your life, whether it was in the past or recently, trauma affects how we navigate our day to day lives. Unresolved trauma can impact our present coping and can often create unhealthy dynamics in our relationship with ourselves and others. I work using a trauma informed approach to help you learn skills to manage symptoms and to reclaim yourself. I specialize in working with victims and survivors of domestic violence/intimate partner violence, child abuse, sexual assault as well as intergenerational and historical trauma.
LIFE TRANSITIONS: I can help you within the therapy process surmount the confusion surrounding role transitions, career changes, transitions from college/graduate school, job loss, identity confusion/crisis, aging and much more.
DEPRESSION: Many people may not understand that you can't just "snap" out of being depressed. It is at times difficult to find the support and understanding that you need. I can help you learn positive coping skills that will help you manage depression but also help you learn how to prevent falling into another depression cycle after you are feeling better. Read more at COUNSELING & THERAPY FOR DEPRESSION.
SPIRITUALITY: Spirituality can help affirm us, uplift us and through it we can find meaning about life and cope with difficult times. At times however these difficult times or our personal identities can come into conflict with our spiritual beliefs, perhaps leaving us with doubts, questioning our beliefs and feeling lost. I work with you to examine the disconnect and to help make sense of what has happened or who you are in a manner that incorporates spirituality and allows for the process of questioning and reclaiming as well as more spiritual discovery.
Other specializations include working with issues pertaining to:
Women, read more at COUNSELING FOR WOMEN
Social Justice Activists/Organizers
Chronic Illness, Illness, Disability
Sex Work
Healing professions

-Not sure how to go about picking a therapist? Read more at Picking a Therapist, Where to Start.
-Not sure what to expect during therapy? Read more at Therapy - What to Expect.
-Not sure how to go about picking a therapist? Read more at Picking a Therapist, Where to Start.
-Not sure what to expect during therapy? Read more at Therapy - What to Expect.
Your decision to begin therapy is an important one, one that is powerful and one that I will be honored to be a part of whether you are struggling with relationship problems, coping with a difficult time in life, grief or simply wanting to have a space to process life as it happens. My goal as your therapist is to work in solidarity with you to help you learn how to utilize your own power or to help you manage a difficult time. You are the expert in your life and as your therapist I work with you to help you learn how to find your strengths. I offer compassionate, progressive, culturally & gender affirming individual counseling via telehealth services either via zoom or telephone.
I do not just sit and stare at you for fifty minutes asking you questions about your past, believe me, the past is important, but I believe it is important to work with you as an ally rather than simply putting you into a box with diagnostic labels. I draw on my experience of many years working with individuals, couples and families. I use an eclectic use of modalities/frameworks from an anti-oppression, decolonial framework to feminist theory, psycho dynamic theories, DBT, Internal Family Systems, Narrative therapy and mindfulness techniques. Overall, my approach is rooted in understanding how systemic trauma, historical trauma, Intergenerational trauma and current day oppressive systems affect our day to day lives and how they manifest in our relationships.
I am always open to questions about the therapy process so feel free to contact me.
Your decision to begin therapy is an important one, one that is powerful and one that I will be honored to be a part of whether you are struggling with relationship problems, coping with a difficult time in life, grief or simply wanting to have a space to process life as it happens. My goal as your therapist is to work in solidarity with you to help you learn how to utilize your own power or to help you manage a difficult time. You are the expert in your life and as your therapist I work with you to help you learn how to find your strengths. I offer compassionate, progressive, culturally & gender affirming individual counseling via telehealth services either via zoom or telephone.
I do not just sit and stare at you for fifty minutes asking you questions about your past, believe me, the past is important, but I believe it is important to work with you as an ally rather than simply putting you into a box with diagnostic labels. I draw on my experience of many years working with individuals, couples and families. I use an eclectic use of modalities/frameworks from an anti-oppression, decolonial framework to feminist theory, psycho dynamic theories, DBT, Internal Family Systems, Narrative therapy and mindfulness techniques. Overall, my approach is rooted in understanding how systemic trauma, historical trauma, Intergenerational trauma and current day oppressive systems affect our day to day lives and how they manifest in our relationships.
I am always open to questions about the therapy process so feel free to contact me.
All content found on this website is protected by © copyright 2010- 2017 | All Rights Reserved| Melissa Lopez, LCSW. Information found on this website is not intended to be used as psychological treatment. Should you be experiencing a psychological emergency please go to your nearest hospital emergency room, call 911 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), a free, 24-hour hotline. This site may also contain content from third party sources and/or links to content on other sites, Melissa Lopez, LCSW is not responsible for such content. Melissa Lopez is a Pasadena Psychotherapist who provides grief counseling techniques, marriage counseling, relationship therapy and works with adult individuals and couples covering Pasadena, Los Angeles, Glendale, South Pasadena, Eagle Rock, San Marino, Altadena and surrounding communities.