Los Angeles are Counseling for Women:

- In today's world womxn are still fighting for basic rights. We are still fighting for equal pay, reproductive rights, access to health care. We are still living in a patriarchal culture that devalues womxn. Daily, womxn are the victims of sexual assault, domestic abuse and misogyny. The daily microaggressions and messages received in a culture that is misogynist creates a world that does not always feel safe for women. When we compound misogyny with racism, trans-misogyny, classism, ableism and other oppressions the impact on our mental health is greater.
- As womxn living in a patriarchal system that oppresses who we are as cis or transgender womxn, as womxn of color, as women with intersectional identities our mental health is of upmost importance but often when we seek mental health care sexism and oppression are not addressed. So often women are continued to be dismissed even in therapuetic spaces. As a woman of color and an intersectional feminist my goal is to work with womxn with an understanding of all the various manners we are affected by a dehumanizing patriarchal culture. Our intersectionalities are important. As womxn we face sexual violence, policies that take away the rights to our bodies, we live in a culture where our bodies are constantly being criticized, we are too fat, too skinny, not curvy enough, too tall, we have too many stretch marks and on and on. The cost is often our self esteem, our sense of self value. Often we end up feeling the fatigue of having to push up against so many factors and systems.
As a therapist who works with a focus on intersectional feminism my hope is for us to work together to unpack some of the messages we have internalized. My hope is to help you make yourself a priority and to help you heal yourself, after all I believe we all have a little bit of witchy, bruja magic in our beings. Whatever it is you are feeling, it is OKAY. You do not have to struggle or manage these feelings and thoughts alone, together we can begin to dismantle some of the messages we have received and begin to create the life you want.
**Body/Fat positive space**
©Melissa Lopez
"If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive." - Audre Lorde
All content found on this website is protected by © copyright 2010- 2017 | All Rights Reserved| Melissa Lopez, LCSW. Information found on this website is not intended to be used as psychological treatment. Should you be experiencing a psychological emergency please go to your nearest hospital emergency room, call 911 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), a free, 24-hour hotline. This site may also contain content from third party sources and/or links to content on other sites, Melissa Lopez, LCSW is not responsible for such content. Melissa Lopez is a Pasadena Psychotherapist who provides grief counseling techniques, marriage counseling, relationship therapy and works with adult individuals and couples covering Pasadena, Los Angeles, Glendale, South Pasadena, Eagle Rock, San Marino, Altadena and surrounding communities.